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Romans 3

Updated: Jun 26, 2023





In this chapter, Paul contends that everyone stands guilty before God. We even find the famous verse that we all quote in Romans 3:23, "We have all sinned." The word sin is actually an archery term that describes anything not in the bullseye. That's us; we have all missed the bullseye at some point.

Paul has dismantled the typical excuses of people who refuse to admit that they are sinners leading up to this point.Those that say, "There is no God" or "I follow my conscience," in Romans 1:18-32 describes that he has revealed himself and that their thinking is futile and foolish. Even those who would say, "I'm not as bad as other people," we see that described in Romans 2:1-16, and finally, those that say, "I'm a church member" or "I'm a religious person" in Romans 2:17-29. He has proved that we ALL are guilty.

Having firmly described the shared sinful condition of humankind, Paul turns to several thoughts about the unique benefits of being Jewish. He wants to remind his Jewish brothers that their lack of faith has not hindered God's plan. Paul does not want his people to miss the significance of God's faithfulness. Despite their failures, God still allows them to be the people of the Messiah. In fact, the Jews' lack of faith is a clear witness to the absolute need for a Savior. Neither they, nor can we, save ourselves. God's faithfulness is our only hope. Note in this chapter, Paul presents six questions and then answers them for his readers. I want to review these questions quickly.

In verse one, What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision? Paul's conversation with his Jewish critic continues into this chapter. At the end of chapter 2, Paul clearly stated that true "Jewishness" is not a matter of heritage but a matter of one's relationship with God and that true circumcision is not on the body but on the heart. The Jewish response might have been, "If that's true, then is there any advantage to being a part of the Jewish nation or, for that matter, in being physically circumcised?" Paul responds in verse 2 stating that the essential advantage is that Israel has been entrusted with the Word of God. The second question is found in verse 3...

Will Israel's unfaithfulness nullify God's promises? Paul simply responds, "Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is true." Paul includes a quote from David found in Psalm 51:4 to prove his point.

The third question is found in verse 5: If our unrighteousness brings out God's righteousness, isn't it unfair to punish us? Paul responds by repeating the false accusation of teaching this very thing—do evil that good may result. He then replies, "If you follow that kind of thinking … you might as well say that the more we sin, the better it is! Those who say such things deserve to be condemned."

The fourth question Paul asks and answers is, are the Jews better than all other people? In his response, Paul describes the corruption that has infected the human race, that human conscience, character, conversation, and conduct are all depraved. Thus, he concludes that both Jews and Gentiles have sinned against God and stay accused before him.

The fifth question is a question that breathes hope into this chapter after a really discouraging start. How, then, does God save people? He begins by once again describing our needs for salvation in verse 23 and then switches to the old testament witness to salvation showing that the scriptures promised salvation apart from the law. He then shows us the process of salvation; how it is not accomplished. Good works do not accomplish it. And then how it is accomplished. It comes about by grace through faith in the sacrifice of Christ.

He concludes this answer with the legal accomplishment of salvation and the scope of salvation. In verses 26-31. It permits a just and holy God to declare repenting sinners righteous and reminds us that it is available to both Jews and Gentiles.

The final question in verse 31 is, Does faith nullify the law? And he immediately answers the question "no to the contrary; faith fulfills the law!" Paul goes on to illustrate this point in the life of Abraham in Chapter 4 that you will hear next, so tune into Mandey talking about faith in Chapter 4.

In this chapter, we see some significant concepts being taught that I want to take a second to highlight and draw attention to. The concept of propitiation is found in Romans 3:25. It is the removal of God's punishment for sin through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice satisfied the justice of God. Also, the concept of redemption is found in verse 24 and chapter 8, verse 23. We must know that Jesus Christ has paid the price so we can go free. The cost of sin is death; Jesus paid that price.

The book of Romans is a heavy theological book with some profound truths, so make sure you stay tuned into these. To summarize today, everyone is a sinner, and we had no way to deal with that sin, but Jesus came and dealt with our sin. So what started as a hopeless chapter and the beginning of the book quickly pivots to the hope through faith that we have in Jesus!


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1 Comment

Jun 16, 2023

What a great way to start the weekend, to remember that God loved us so much that he made a way for our sinful nature. Only through the hope and faith in Jesus can we be saved. This is by far the best tool to help with scriptures study. Thank you

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