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Genesis 1





It is a new year, and we are excited to start a new study for the beginning of 2024. Now, we aren't going to go through the entire Old Testament like we did the New Testament, but we want to set aside the first ten weeks of this year to look through the book of Genesis in the same manner that we did the New Testament. One chapter a day, Monday through Friday, and I will preach out of Genesis for the next ten weeks; I encourage you to study along with us as we build the foundation of faith from the book of Genesis

Let's begin by looking at the book as a whole. 

Moses wrote Genesis as a part of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, in 1450-1410 BC. 

Genesis means beginning or origins. It is the beginning of the world, human history, mankind, civilization, and even salvation has its roots in this first book of the Bible. You can't read through this book and not be awestruck by the power and majesty of God. 

It is the story of God's purpose and plan for his creation. He lays the foundation for the entire Bible in this book. It reveals the person and the nature of our God, our Creator, our sustainer, our judge, and our redeemer. Through the creation of mankind, we see the value of every person who has been created with purpose and intentionality by God himself. We see the tragic results of sin and the declaration of a coming savior to once again restore our relationship with our Creator. 

We see the beginning of mankind and the fall of mankind, and glimmers of hope through people that God uses along the way in the likes of Seth and Noah, and eventually leading us to the introduction of God's people through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and eventually to Joseph. The accounts of these real people like you and me should strengthen the belief that God wants to use each of us as we watch these individuals flesh out through faith in front of us, sometimes in brilliant moments of strength and sometimes in debilitating moments of defeat.  

The overarching theme we can read through the book of Genesis is HOPE… God has made a way, and no matter how dark or bleak the world may be, God will come through. 

Now, let's begin by looking specifically into Genesis 1. Genesis 1 is not just a record of ancient events but a revelation of the Creator God, who spoke the cosmos into existence. 

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." This profound statement serves as the foundation of our faith, the bedrock on which we stand. Here, the Hebrew word for God is Elohim, emphasizing God's power and majesty. Before anything existed, God was there – eternal, self-existent, and the source of all that is.

The earth, initially, was without form and void, covered in darkness. But take note, even in this formless state, the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. It's a beautiful prelude to the creative act about to unfold – a hint of the Trinity working in perfect harmony.

Now, the poetic narrative of creation unfolds across six days. Each day reveals a specific aspect of God's creative genius, a symphony of divine craftsmanship.

Day 1: "Let there be light," and light pierced the darkness. God called the light Day and the darkness Night. With a spoken word, God initiated order and beauty.

Day 2: God creates the expanse, separating the waters above and below. The sky above and the waters below reveal a meticulously designed environment.

Day 3: "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." Land emerges, adorned with vegetation, showcasing God's attention to detail.

Day 4: God positions the sun, moon, and stars, governing the day and night. The celestial bodies become signs and markers of time, displaying divine order.

Day 5: The waters teem with living creatures, and the sky fills with birds—God's command to be fruitful and multiply echoes through creation.

Day 6: Land animals come forth, and the pinnacle of creation unfolds – humanity. "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Humanity, marked by God's divine fingerprint, is given dominion over creation.

Each day, God looked at what He had made and declared it "good." The goodness of God's creation reflects His perfect wisdom and intentionality.

The crescendo of creation culminates on the seventh day – the Sabbath. God rests from His work, not out of weariness but as a divine pattern for humanity. Sabbath is a rhythm built into the fabric of creation, inviting us into a sacred pause, a time to delight in God's goodness.

Now, let's bridge the timeless truths of Genesis 1 with our lives today. What does this ancient account teach us about our Creator and our purpose?

Firstly, Genesis 1 reveals the supremacy of God as the ultimate Creator. In a world that often diminishes the divine, this truth reminds us to stand in awe of the One who spoke galaxies into existence. Our lives find meaning in recognizing and revering the Creator.

Secondly, the deliberate structure of creation speaks of God's order and design. It challenges our culture's narrative that life is random and purposeless. In God's economy, everything has a purpose, and every detail matters. We are not the product of chance but the intentional craftsmanship of a loving Creator.

Thirdly, the dignity bestowed upon humanity in being created in God's image elevates our understanding of ourselves and others. Every person, regardless of background or circumstance, bears the divine imprint. This truth calls us to treat one another with respect, recognizing the inherent value in every human being.

Moreover, the rhythm of rest established in Genesis 2:1-3 challenges our relentless pursuit of productivity. In a world that glorifies busyness, God's invitation to rest is a counter-cultural declaration. Sabbath rest is not merely a day off; it is an acknowledgment of our dependence on God, a declaration that our worth is not determined by what we do but by who we are in Him.

In conclusion, Genesis 1 lays the foundation for our understanding of God, creation, and our role within it. It calls us to live with a profound sense of purpose, recognizing the divine handiwork in every aspect of our lives. As we navigate the complexities of existence, may we find solace and inspiration in the truth that our lives are part of God's grand masterpiece.

May Genesis 1 inspire a deeper reverence for the Creator, a greater appreciation for the intricacies of His design, and a renewed commitment to living in harmony with His purpose.

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