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Galatians 6





Today as we conclude our study on the book of Galatians, let's take a moment for a quick recap.

In Chapters 1 and 2, Paul is writing to the Saints in Galatia because he was deeply concerned that they were straying from the Lord by following the teachings of some who wanted to "pervert the gospel.” (Gal 1:6-7) Jewish Christians were teaching Gentiles the false doctrine that they had to be circumcised and observe the rituals of the Law of Moses in order to be saved.

In chapters 3 and 4, Paul defends the Gospel and points out that Abraham was justified, declared righteous by faith and not by works of the law. Also, the whole point of the law was to reveal our need for a Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Chapter 5, Paul illustrates the difference in lives controlled by the flesh with one controlled by the Spirit. He's calling us to remain firm in the Gospel covenant offered by Christ. All believers who place their faith in Christ rather than relying on the works of the Law are saved!!!

Now chapter 6 expands on chapter 5 and how Christians under grace should live and apply practical applications. First it shows us our need for fellowship, hence connection or “Life Groups", with other believers by showing us that when a brother or sister in Christ gets caught by a sin, other Christians should never stomp on them, which is fleshly or our old sinful nature. Instead, we are encouraged to step in and help rather than looking away. Spiritually mature Christians should help to restore the one caught up in sin with gentleness and humility. This is one of the ways those in Christ can help to carry each other's burdens. When the load that one of us is hauling around becomes too heavy, others should step in to help that person get through that season. In other words, life in Christ by the power of God's Spirit is not meant to be lived alone (Galatians 6:1–2).

Next we must not be deceived and should remember the boomerang effect - what we give out in life (what we sow), will come back to us (what we reap). (Galatians 6-9). So let's sow good seeds by doing good to all.

Another point of emphasis is that our efforts may go unnoticed in man's eyes and we may not receive the recognition we think we deserve. We must remember the work we are doing is unto the Lord and not man (Col. 3:23-24).

In summary, Christians must remember we are saved by grace and not works. We also must continue to be filled with the Spirit, which is offered only through Jesus. And we must carry each other's burdens, not growing weary in doing good, and ask ourselves, “What kind of seeds will I sow today?”

Finally, we must put our Faith in Christ, because HE alone is the way, truth and life (John 14:6). Have you placed your trust in Jesus? If not, let's start today by doing what Romans 10:9-10 declares: “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”


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1 Comment

Aug 23, 2023

I love the way you reference other scriptures to clarify and help with understanding the Lord’s word. And to remember that we are saved by grace & not works. To do all we can to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we put our faith in Christ alone. thank you.

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