John 2
Reflect on how the Old Testament laws regarding cleanliness (such as circumcision, handwashing, etc.) point to a deeper spiritual truth. How do these laws reveal the holiness God desired for His people then, and how does this relate to our lives as Christians today?
In Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding, we see a shift from rigid religious traditions to something more personal and transformative. How do Jesus’ actions challenge your understanding of religion versus your relationship with God?
In what ways do you find yourself relying on “traditions” or “rituals” instead of truly encountering Jesus? How can you move beyond just going through the motions and embrace a deeper, more personal connection with Jesus?
Reflect on the idea that the “best wine” was reserved for the moment Jesus performed this miracle. How does this connect with God’s perfect timing in your life? Take some time to pray and ask the Lord to search your heart, revealing to you any areas you need to let go and trust that God is saving the best for a future moment.