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2 John 1





Today we are looking at 2 John 1. 2 John is the shortest book in the Bible. It has only 1 chapter with 13 verses. It was written by the Apostle John. The book deals with truth, love and hospitality. In the first four verses, the word truth is written 5 times.

“To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth-and not I only, but also all who know the truth because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy and peace

from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son will be with us in truth and love. It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth just as the Father commanded us.“

These verses are referring to the particular church that is receiving the letter and children likely are believers that are influenced by this particular church. Verse 4 also commends those that are walking in the truth. He says it brings him great joy that they are walking in truth of God’s Word.

Does your life bring joy to those around you? Think about how you live and speak and work and ask if

it brings joy to the Lord and does it bring joy to your fellow Christ followers and joy to your family, those you work with, your neighbors? Who does your life bless with joy?

Verses 5 and 6 are the heart of this chapter. We are to love one another and that love is being obedient to the commands of Jesus. God’s truth ties us in love to God and to one another. Our hearts should have kinship with each other under the banner of our love for God and His truth.

John goes on to caution the church against false teachers who do not continue to teach the things of Jesus. They are not of God and are not to be welcomed into their homes. The early church welcomed traveling missionaries who went from church to church taking the teachings of Christianity. The local church, which met mostly in homes, would offer the hospitality of their home to these traveling teachers. John was cautioning these people of the early church to be careful in welcoming those teachers who taught against Jesus having come to earth in the flesh and other doctrines that were contrary to Jesus.

He concluded with his desire to see this church and its people face to face. He spoke of the joy that seeing them would bring. John had love for Christ and for them.

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27 nov. 2023

I love the dwell messages. They help clarify my thoughts, contemplate questions I need to ask. And remind me that God is always with us and wants the best for us. As well how I can better serve my Lord and savior.

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